Silent Ripples Inc

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2 thoughts on “Silent Ripples Inc”

  1. Hi all at Silent Ripples. I’ve been a participant in the Ride Against Suicide for all but one ride. I’d like to make a couple of observations that I felt marred this years event:
    1. Whilst I admire the Longriders and they do a great job I felt the announcement at the commencement of the Palmer ride that Longrider members were to ride up front and all others ride towards the back was inappropriate for this event. Whilst they may have organised the route it wasn’t a Longriders event and it should have been open for any rider to ride where they wanted – we all paid our $30 donation so all should have been equal.

    2. Over an hour and a half for the lunch stop at Two Wells was way too long. If the weather had been inclement what would we have done? I accept there is a certain time we had to meet at the showgrounds but maybe in future the start time at Palmer could be later?

    3. As always happens the big group ultimately gets separated. Some first time riders would have had no idea how to get into the netball courts to wait for entry into the showgrounds, there was no Marshall waiting at the entry point on Goodwood Road and witches hats preventing our entry, as well as cars exiting that point – it was very dangerous and confusing.

    4. Getting into the showgrounds earlier was a definite bonus this year!!!!

    I hope this even was successful and continues to be successful it is a very important and relevant message!!!

    Regards Katrina Cardona

    1. Hi Katrina, firstly I need to apologies for not replying to you sooner Our normal web manager passed away last year and I’m still learning how to do all this and obviously not learning fast enough.

      We acknowledge all your concerns and the same concerns came from a couple of others so we have spoken to the Longriders and have asked them to ensure this doesn’t happen again. The ride will be a bit different this year as there is no support for us at Two Wells anymore and it actually cost us to put on the BBQ so we are going to start later and only stop at Nuriootpa before going to the showgrounds.

      I hope you will still be able to join us again and please let me know if you ever have any concerns about the ride. It may be quicker if you contact me through Facebook messenger page as I see that daily.

      Kind regards Janet

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